Like an explorer of new worlds, I wander into forests of trees stripped bare of  green, stark silhouettes still standing strong despite all that they have weathered. 

Morning feels hallucinogenic, a mix of smoke and mist as the warmth of the newly  risen sun lifts up tendrils of moisture to meet dry vapors of distant fires drifting  East on changing currents. 

In this eerie, almost apocalyptic glow, blue-black Ravens gather in groups, their  chortling and strident caws sounding slightly conspiratorial, if only we had the  keys to decode their communications, secret to us. 

A flock of sweet songbirds descends with a whoosh upon a lone gray sentinel of a  living tree long gone, each takes up a perch and remains still, silence fills the  heavy air, redolent of burnt carbon. 

How do their tiny lungs breathe in this Plutonian atmosphere - what plan of action  do they have for this?  

Like denizens of T.S. Eliot’s “The Waste Land,” birds of a feather gather together,  they come and go chattering of COP26. As if a scene of Poe, the Ravens I  imagine, “quoth nevermore, nevermore.”

AlexiAndrea Borden seeks to celebrate in imagery the unique beauty of our planet and to poetically portray the vulnerability of nature in change as a result of humanity’s actions.


Portraits of the handsome Osprey highlight their intensity & power as a tribute to their remarkable strength in overcoming the decimating effects of DDT on their species.  

Known as a sentinel species, the Ospreys worldwide presence and health is one to keep watch over as its signals the well being of other birds.


Millions of birds a year are hunted or poisoned to sell their body parts.  

Thru symbolic abstraction “ Parts For Sale” strives to retain the dignity & beauty of birds while  portraying the realities of this ugly practice.

These body parts, now separated from its sentient being,  have entered a disconnected reality where they appear to float, disembodied but free, like planets adrift in the solar system, symbolic of the de-avianing effect of this mass drive towards extinction.


As natural habitat declines, high voltage transmission lines have become alternate perching, hunting, and nesting spots for birds.

But the EMFs generated by these wires have conclusively shown an affect on bird behavior, reproductive success, growth and development, physiology and endocrinology primarily as a result of temperature elevation.

“Birds on a Wire”  spotlights the almost abstract arrangement that the shapes of birds take on while resting on the surfaces that affect their well being and the future of their species.